The race to perfect stasis, the ability to create a bubble where no time will ever pass, is heating up.
Who will win? And what will the cost be?
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(c) 2016 Simon Goodson.
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Stasis. Such a small word. Such a huge idea – shutting out time completely. Theories of how to achieve it have been around for decades now, but only in the past few years has the technology required been available. Many groups have claimed to have made it work. Some have offered solid proof, have shown that time truly stopped within the stasis bubble they created.
Huge claims based on tiny successes. The first such experiment created a stasis bubble for less than a thousandth of a second. Others slowly increased that time to hundredths and eventually tenths of a second. Then came the next phase of experiments, where the effect was able to be rapidly repeated. Claims abounded of stasis lasting whole seconds, one even claimed twelve full seconds, but on examining them it soon became clear they consisted of hundreds or thousands of brief pulses of stasis, not one complete effect.
Why does it matter? Because the dream of stasis is to seal something, and in particular someone, away completely. Within the field no time would pass at all. That means nothing can penetrate the stasis bubble. Nothing at all. Not light, not gravity, nothing of any form. Energy would be reflected away by the boundary layer. Gravity and friction would operate on the boundary layer, keeping the bubble in place, but wouldn’t penetrate inside.
The potential uses are endless. As a shield it would offer complete protection from a nuclear blast right next to it, from direct asteroid impacts, from tidal waves and from hurricanes. A plane which was about to crash into the ground could be shut away in its own bubble and released once it had settled safely on the ground.
The first time I encountered Stasis was in Larry Niven works. stasis was developed by a race of extraterestrials a very long time ago. They’ve disappeared since. I really admire Larry Niven’s work.
Hi Xavier,
I’m pretty sure I came across it in his work too, though possibly not the first time I’d heard of it. This story was partly inspired by loving the Warhammer 40k universe and games but always feeling stasis force fields made no sense – if they stopped time within their field then how did time pass for them to know when to turn off again?